2020 Rewind: Sharpening the Saw in the year of the Pandemic

🎉Happy Holidays!

I hope you’re all in good health and staying safe?

I am excited to be counting down to the end of 2020, though I didn’t read as much as I’d hoped to. However, I did manage to get a lot of work done (thankfully), and spent time learning and thinking about ways to optimize for effectiveness.

Anyway, I thought I shared with you ten books that I enjoyed and learnt from this year. A few of which I intend to make a ritual of reading at least once every year - the dominant genre and titles in this list (in no particular order!) reflect my focus on self-improvement and productivity, learning from history, and interesting characters worthy of studying.

So here we go:

  • “Formation” - Fola Fagbule and Feyi Fawehinmi

  • “The Prosperity Paradox” - Clayton Christensen, Efosa Ojomo, and Karen Dillon

  • “Meditations” - Marcus Aurelius

  • ”Leonardo da Vinci” - Walter Isaacson

  • ”Deep Work” - Carl Newport

  • “Rework” - Jason Fried

  • “Atomic Habits” - James Clear

  • “Grit” - Angela Duckworth

  • ”What I talk about when I talk about running” - Haruki Murakami

  • ”Brag!” - Peggy Klaus

What is on your list? I’ll be happy to get recommendations from you for 2021 in the comments section.


2022 Rewind: Uncertainty, Decisions & Wins


🗒My Top 3 football books of 2020 so far